Members are a crucial part of the body of Christ (Romans 12:5) and Believers Fellowship recognizes the important role members play in the health of the church. Below are the steps to becoming a member of Believers Fellowship:
Step 1: Listen to the 3 part lesson series
In September of 2022, Believers Fellowship hosted a 3 part membership class. We hope to continue to offer in-person classes for individuals pursuing membership. However, if you are interested in membership and we do not have an upcoming class or you missed one of the three in-person classes, click here to listen to all 3 lessons.
Step 2: Review our By-laws and Beliefs and Complete the Membership Application
Believers Fellowship has a set of Beliefs and By-Laws. Please read them and if you have any questions you can note that on your membership application or call the church office.
Click here for the membership application. Each person applying for membership must complete an application. Once completed please email it to the church office ( or drop it off during office hours (Monday-Friday, 9am - 4pm).
Step 3: Meet one-on-one with an Elder
Once you have returned your membership application you will be contacted by a church Elder to meet and go over the application.
Step 4: Meet all the Elders
After meeting with one Elder, you will have the opportunity to meet with all the Elders so they are able to personally welcome you. This is a time for you to ask any final questions and to get to know other people who are becoming members at the same time you are.
After you become a Member:
To be able to serve at Believers Fellowship we require that you are a member of the church. Once you have completed the above steps for membership there are several opportunities for you to serve.
- Parking Team
- Event Food Team (Men's Breakfast or After Sunday Evening Services)
- Kids Ministry Helper
- Nursery Helper
- Usher
- Choir and Orchestra
- Kids Ministry Kiosk
- Welcome Team
- Sound and Media Team