Women's Ministry
About Us
Believers Fellowship offers women many opportunities to grow in their walk with the Lord and to be better equipped to more effectively minister in their homes, in church, and in their communities.
For more information about women’s ministry, please contact the church office at 210-656-2000.
Titus Two Fellowships
These fellowships provide women with another opportunity for biblical instruction, practical discussion, and fellowship. Three times a year an evening program is offered on a selected topic. All women middle school and up are invited to attend.
Click here to listen to all previous Titus Two Fellowships
LIFE Fellowship Bible Studies
(Ladies Instruction For Excellence): LIFE is an in-depth Bible Study, available for women ages 18 and up. Women work on lessons individually before coming to the meetings, and then at a typical Tuesday meeting, we gather for a brief time of fellowship and then break into small groups for additional instruction to build up and encourage one another. Morning and evening sessions are offered, with childcare available in the mornings.
LIFE Studies occur during the Spring (Jan. - April), Summer (3 Tuesdays over the months of June, July, and August), and Fall (September - November). To see the most current one, visit the church calendar.
Once a year, usually in the Fall, the ladies of Believers Fellowship have a Women’s Luncheon. The luncheon is opened up to all women in the church as well as their guests.
Click here to listen to all previous luncheons.
Seminars & Retreats
Click here to listen to all previous seminars, conferences & retreat messages.